Sunday, September 28, 2008

Glad To Be Home

Well, I'm back home now and thankful that my father is getting the help he needs. His doctors, respiratory therapists and nurses are wonderful. He is still in the ICU with all the same medicine. They are giving him an x-ray each day and haven't noticed any change in his lungs. But the medicine does seem to be working. By Saturday evening he was feeling good enough to start making demands for his cell phone and work files! We told him he was in the ICU and that he couldn't have them. Well, that didn't set well. He has to be the worst patient I've ever seen ... Walter Matthau in Grumpy Old Men for sure! I was going to head out this morning, but mom wanted me to go to the hospital with her once more. I left Arlington about 10:30am. I was so thankful to have KLTY playing on the radio; I really needed some prayers. All I could think of was stopping at some church for worship, but I didn't have the proper clothes since I flew out the door Thursday and didn't know how long I was staying. Thank you for your continued prayers. He has a very long road ahead of him.

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