Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lightning Storm

Yesterday around 4pm we had a real gully washer and light show. Zane was sleeping; Grant, Asa and myself were sitting on the couch watching the weather when pow! We took a lightning hit and the bass speaker screamed, the receiver lit up like a Christmas tree and the TV turned off. Zane started screaming and I smelled smoke behind the TV area. I quickly unplugged everything, got the baby out of the bed and sat down on the couch with all my babies to stop shaking. After Boomer got home last night and investigated, we think the hit came through the phone line. Our phones, the receiver/surround sound, TiVo, DIRECTV box, DVD player and I think the printer are all blown. I can't believe this! It's hard to know exactly since so many of these rely upon the other to work. The phone company is coming out Wednesday afternoon. After that, we'll be better able to test the other equipment. I'm so thankful that we are all okay and so is our home.

1 comment:

Amy said...

WOW! That is incredible!